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Intershop Progressive Web App
Guide - Intershop Progressive Web App - End-to-End Testing with Cypress

When to Write Cypress Tests?

With Angular most of the functionality of simple components or artifacts of the state management can be tested with Unit Tests.
However, when testing multiple artifacts at once, the TestBed definition can take a big amount of work.
Also considering, that not the real runtime modules are used in unit and module tests, it might be better to write short and concise Cypress tests for this functionality.

Testing issues with timing and interaction between many artifacts is also quite hard to implement as a unit test.

All in all, cypress testing should not be exhausting.
As a general rule only happy path and smoke tests should be implemented.

Rules for Developing Cypress Tests

Always Stick to Small Scope

Testing workflows with many actions can lead to increased instability when encountering browser hiccups.
Split tests into individual specs when possible.

Pay Respect to Individuality

Every test should be independent of other tests.
So whenever a test is including a modification operation, it is best to create an individual user first.

Do not Reinvent the Wheel

When testing functionality that needs to setup specific demo data first, do not create it via the user interface.
Instead write stable REST API helper methods, that can set up data faster via the API when the test starts.

Stick to the PageObject Pattern

We introduced the PageObject Pattern with the motivation of separating business-features from technical background.
So do not use HTML-specific selectors or exposed cypress functionality in tests if possible.

Also do not hide too much actions with the PageObject Pattern.
As a rule of thumb, whenever the user triggers an action, it should be represented by a line of code in the spec.

Debugging Flaky Cypress Tests

It can happen that tests fail on CI environments but run smooth on local machines.
Most often the cause is the difference in computing power between the two environments, as CI environments tend to be significantly less powerful.

To simulate slow computing and bad network, the easiest way is to introduce an interceptor in the PWA that randomly slows down network traffic.
Add the following to the CoreModule providers:

      provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
      useValue: {
        intercept(req: HttpRequest<unknown>, next: HttpHandler) {
          return next.handle(req).pipe(delay(Math.random() * 1500 + 500));
      multi: true,

That way each network response will be delayed randomly from 500 to 2000 ms.
To be able to run tests locally now, the defaultCommandTimeout in cypress.config.ts probably has to be increased.

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